Tuesday 10 January 2012

Energy-saving measures in poultry farms can cut costs by around 20 per cent

The poultry industry is very much driven by costs and efficiency of growth and production, particularly with energy and feed prices being so high. The environment of the stock has a significant impact on this equation and can influence the levels of profitability.
The environments raw materials are as follows: -
  1. Air Quality.
  2. Heat / Temperature.
  3. Moisture Content.
  4. Light.
  5. Food.
  6. Water.
Ventilation is very important in maintaining the correct environment, and directly effects all of the above, particularly in enclosed housing. The main objective being to maintain a natural fresh air condition, at an acceptable temperature to suit the age and type of stock housed.

Poultry compared to other animals have a high rate of respiration as they do not sweat and their only means of reducing body temperature is to breathe more, hence “panting” in hot temperatures. They therefore use up the oxygen available quickly and release large amounts of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture into the air. Poultry are very susceptible to respiratory problems and stale air in the house only heightens these problems, with airborne disease-carrying micro-organisms become more concentrated in stale air.
The key requirements for a ventilation system needs to: -
  • Supply oxygen-laden fresh air.
  • Remove heat released during respiration and activity, and also the solar gain through the structure, particularly in the summer.
  • Remove moisture from the air (released during respiration or evaporating moisture in the droppings).
  • Remove harmful gases (carbon dioxide released during breathing or ammonia evaporating from the droppings).
  • Remove dust particles suspended in the air from the skin of the birds.
  • Dilute disease-causing organisms in the air.
All of above effect the production cycle. If any of the factors above are not being met the birds will either eat more to keep warm or drink more to cool down, will breath faster thereby using up more energy, or “bunch” causing suffocation, or mortality rates will increase due to disease.

Wind e® turbine ventilator resolves most of the ventilation problems by moving air constantly, causing trapped air to be replaced with cleaner, cooler air from outside. They are mounted on roof top and operate without electricity and no maintenece is involved.

Improve ventilation benefits & operation references: http://www.freeexhaust.com/

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